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Is Bitcoin Still a Cryptocurrency or is It Now a Safe Haven Asset?

5th March 2020
Bitcoin is quite often compared to gold for the reason that both have monetary characteristics of being used as a medium of exchange and a store of value.
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Budget 2020: Targeted Tax Relief Could Boost Capital Investment

5th March 2020
Ahead of the budget on 11 March, Brendan Sharkey outlines the tax reforms that would do most to boost investment for the year ahead.
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Budget 2020: Tax Experts Believe Fiscal Incentives Must Go Ahead

4th March 2020
Fiscal incentives to support innovative businesses and promote investment are vital as the UK navigates the uncertain Brexit transition period, according to tax specialists at accountancy firm Menzies LLP.
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Toyota Appoints New CFO in Executive Shake-Up

4th March 2020
Toyota Motor Corp has appointed Kenta Kon, previously its chief accounting officer, as its new chief financial officer in a large scale shake up of the firm’s executive structure.
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Investors Eye Opportunities as Central Banks Discuss Coronavirus Action

3rd March 2020
Global investors are taking advantage of buying opportunities ahead of policymakers looking to take more coordinated action on propping up economies due to the negative impact of the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.
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A Financial Guide to Making Your First Million as an Immigrant

3rd March 2020
Migrating to an entirely different country isn’t exactly risk-free. Uprooting one’s entire life and trying to plant new roots in a different culture can be nerve-racking, exciting, and scary (seemingly all at once). 
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The Top 5 Stocks that Will Weather the Coronavirus Storm

2nd March 2020
The spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus has brought China to a standstill and has already harmed the global economy. Global stock markets fell in the last week of February as the coronavirus virus outbreak reached Europe and continued to affect factory output and international trade.
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Where to Stay in Barcelona if You’re Travelling for Work

2nd March 2020
Finance Monthly reviews Capri by Fraser Barcelona.
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ESG Finance: Good for Planet Earth, Better for Business

2nd March 2020
In a move that’s raising eyebrows, European Central Bank Chief Christine Lagarde is proposing to explore the ECB’s role in fighting climate change in the upcoming strategic review. Meanwhile, TCI, a hedge fund and brainchild of climate activist Sir Christopher Hohn is putting its money where its mouth is – in value-based investments. Moody’s routinely factors climate risk in its ratings and analysis.
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China’s Virtually Cashless Challenge to the West

2nd March 2020
There was a time when nationalised industry was thought of as slow-moving, traditional and unadventurous. It was the antithesis of individual enterprise, a go-getter philosophy and agile innovation. China has flipped this theory on its head. Today, China has become the Wakanda of payments: a hyper-focused, unified driving force for digital innovation that is outpacing anything the West has been able to deliver.
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Can We Actually Close the Gender Pay Gap in Finance?

2nd March 2020
In light of International Women’s Day, we hear from Aoife Whitford, from The Pay Index who delves into the gender pay gap in finance.
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The Impact of Blockchain on the Functioning of Real Estate Funds

2nd March 2020
We often hear about the tokenisation of real estate funds by the amount tokenised (theoretically enabling investors to buy for £1 of fund unit), or through a number of myths circulating about blockchain which would allow the sale of fund shares over-the-counter and globally. Without going so far as to exchange shares from one end of the world to the other, blockchain technology is already bringing real improvements to the traditional operation of real estate funds. Blockchain not only allows better distribution of fund shares when it is created but also facilitates trading over-the-counter in a secondary market. In this article, David Poupardin discusses the impact of blockchain on the back and middle offices of real estate funds.
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