Knowing how to manage your money is very important. After all, making good money does not only have an impact on the things that you can buy, but it can also affect the place you live, your education, good health and most of all, the life that you are going to your life in future. For those who do not know how to practice good money management, it can at times be difficult at first. But regardless of the stage you are in life, here are some of the important tips to get you going;
As emerging trends change the way government systems are deployed and the technology they use, multinational organisations still need to comply at the speed of business.
The SME market is becoming a key target sector for most banks, but these often more agile organisations demand a better digital approach, and according to Kyle Ferguson, CEO of Fraedom, a personal touch is what’s needed. Thanks to technological advances within retail banking, the way we bank in our personal lives has changed dramatically. […]
Bingo is by far and away one of the most popular forms of entertainment that exists in the world today. As a game, it has managed to stand the test of time by consistently remaining popular as centuries have gone by.
When Open Banking was introduced last year, it was viewed as the silver bullet that could drive financial services innovation while transforming customer experience.
A study by City Index revealed the financial reports of the worlds biggest brands to reveal exactly how long it took each to make their first $1 billion, as well as how fast they make a billion today. They compared this data to how fast it would take the world's biggest brands to make the average […]
The latest research by one of London’s largest independent letting and sales agents, Benham and Reeves, has looked at the current struggle facing the nation’s first-time buyers (FTBs) and how this could increase over the next 34 years for those born today.
Finance Monthly is a comprehensive website tailored for individuals seeking insights into the world of consumer finance and money management. It offers news, commentary, and in-depth analysis on topics crucial to personal financial management and decision-making. Whether you're interested in budgeting, investing, or understanding market trends, Finance Monthly provides valuable information to help you navigate the financial aspects of everyday life.