Finance Monthly August 2019 Edition
The only thing we know about Brexit is that no one knows what it’ll look like. The latest Deloitte CFO survey has confirmed, unsurprisingly, that Brexit remains the top concern for CFOs. Well over three-quarters of CFOs expect it to worsen the business environment, and over a third are more pessimistic about the financial prospects of their company compared to just three months ago. Brexit has been drawn out for over three years now, and there’s still no clarity or solid knowledge of how it’ll eventually pan out. Dealing with risk is a part of running any business, but CFOs can plan ahead to minimise any impact. When it comes to Brexit, they need to start planning for potential outcomes as soon as possible to be on the front foot. Simon Bittlestone, CEO of financial analytics firm Metapraxis, shares his tips on how to prepare for what’s to come post Brexit. PREDICTING THE UNPREDICTABLE: HOW CAN BUSINESSES PLAN FOR BREXIT ? Simon Bittlestone CEO of Metapraxis 16 FINANCE & BUSINESS - BREXIT
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