Finance Monthly October 2019 Edition
FROMTRAILBLAZERS TO RESOURCEFUL TRADITIONALISTS: WHAT TYPE OF CFO ARE YOU? A CFO’s ability to implement change, whether that be introducing new accounting software, negotiating discounts with key suppliers, or changing the business’ capital structure, can be greatly dependent on how they approach decision making. However, not all CFOs are created equal. While there is a wealth of factors that contribute towards a CFO’s ability to make a decision, their personality type can be a crucial aspect, not only in driving innovation but also in contributing towards the business’ bottom line. To explore these characteristics further, Barclaycard undertook research to delve deeper into the impact of different CFO personality types. The research identified that CFOs fall into four decision- making typologies; Trailblazers, Explorers, Conformists and Resourceful Traditionalists. But what type of CFO are you? And how might your leadership style be impacting your business? Marc Pettican of CEO Barclaycard Commercial Payments 33 FINANCE CAREERS - WHAT TYPE OF CFO ARE YOU?
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