Finance Monthly October 2019 Edition
Being a woman in finance is difficult. Being a woman in finance who works full-time whilst trying to raise children, maintain her home and find time for personal time and growth is not just difficult – it’s nearly impossible. With the finance industry being infamous for its challenging work-life balance expectations, being able to fulfil both your career and family aspirations as a woman in finance must be a difficult, but not an unachievable task. Here are some of our tips on how to be a successful working mum, who can advance in her career whilst having a great family life too. 1. BE EFFICIENT To get the most done in the least amount of time, you need to work on your time management. Plan your time in the office strategically, don’t get distracted when working, be mindful of the time you are spending socialising with co-workers and simply try to be as productive as possible. If you struggle with staying focused because you’re thinking about way too many non-office related things, try using productivity apps such as Forest or Focus Keeper Pro which will help you gain control of your time and concentrate on the most important things on your to-do list. Try scheduling conference calls during your commute so that the time you spend travelling to and back from work isn’t being wasted. When it comes to your household and all the tasks that you have to do as a mum, use hacks and shortcuts which will save you time. Order your groceries for the week online and have them delivered to your house, get quick errands done during your lunch break to free up more time and prepare lunches and outfits the night before, so you can enjoy a relaxed morning with your family instead of rushing to get out the door on time. BABYPROOF YOUR CAREER: 5 TIPS ON HOW TO BALANCE WORK & FAMILY LIFE IF YOU WORK IN FINANCE By Katina Hristova 38 WOMEN IN FINANCE - BABYPROOF YOUR CAREER
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