Finance Monthly January 2020 Edition
5 Hello and welcome to Finance Monthly’s first edition for 2020! Another year has come and gone and the ‘tweens’ decade is now officially behind us. Here at Finance Monthly, we are excited to show you what’s inside Finance Monthly’s January issue! All of this and so much more - I hope you enjoy all the content in our January issue! For more financial news and commentary, please visit our website to stay up-to-date on industry news as it happens, join the conversation on our Twitter ( @Finance_Monthly ), like our Facebook page and follow us on LinkedIn and Instagram ( @FinanceMonthly ). Best wishes, Find us on Facebook Finance Monthly Tweet us @Finance_Monthly Stay Connected Follow us on Instagram Financemonthly EDITOR’S NOTE WELCOME - EDITOR’S NOTE FINANCE MONTHLY Copyright 2020 195,880 net digital distribution Circulation details can be found at The views expressed in the articles within Finance Monthly are the contributors own, nothing within the announcements or articles should be construed as a profit forecast. All rights reserved. Material contained within this publication is not to be reproduced in whole or part without the prior permission of Finance Monthly. SUBSCRIPTION DETAILS The Subscription rates for a printed copy of Finance Monthly for one year (12 issues including postage) are: £795.00 GBP $1,075.00 USD €895.00 EU Available on general subscription: EDITOR Katina Hristova PRODUCTION MANAGER Emma Tansey Katina Hristova Editor Page 10 ARE THE BIG FOUR STILL ‘THE BEST’? 2020 - THE YEAR OF SUSTAINABLE FINANCE? Page 10 5 KEY TRENDS THAT WILL SHAPE THE FINANCIAL SERVICES INDUSTRY IN 2020 Page 22 BANKING ON CHANGE: HOW GENERATION Z IS DEMANDING A STEP FORWARD IN SECURITY Page 36 WILL THE 2020s BE THE DECADE THE STOCK EXCHANGE DIES Page 32
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