Finance Monthly. Bus i ne s s & Economy 17 Bill Blain delves into why central banks get such bad press. Bill Blain Strategist at Shard Capital CENTRAL BANKS Are Really to Blame? In 2008 Central Banks bailed out the financial universe following the collapse of Lehman. They provided unlimited liquidity in the form of Quantitative Easing and Negative Interest Rate Policy to dodge a global recession and enable the longest bull market on record. In 2012 the ECB saved the Euro and Europe by doing “whatever” it took. In 2020 central banks stepped in to stabilise wobbling COVID struck economies with rate cuts and yet more liquidity. Today? Central Banks are being assaulted on every front. Politicians are questioning their independence – blaming them for the effects of the sudden Ukraine War Energy and Food inflation spike. Markets are watching the bull market unravel and blaming Central Banks. Read any research on
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