F i nanc i a l Innov a t i on & F i nTech 24 Finance Monthly. In the aftermath of the pandemic, against a backdrop of increasing cost of living, people’s payment habits continue to evolve - along with their expectations for the future of the checkout. In April this year, Paysafe interviewed 11,000 consumers in 10 countries across Europe and the Americas to better understand the key consumer payment trends we are seeing today. Here are the top four findings from that research. TOP PAYMENT TRENDS RIGHT NOW Chirag Patel- CEO of Digital Wallets at Paysafe 1. Customers want better money management Many households are taking a more cautious approach to spending due to soaring prices, causing consumers to reconsider their choice of payment methods. 44% of respondents have changed their habits as a direct result of the rising cost of living, the majority of whom are searching for options that enable them to track their spending more accurately. Debit cards were the most preferred online payment method for those who had changed their payment habits, with 59% of respondents paying via debit card
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