Hendrik Janse van Vuuren is a Fiduciary Practitioner of South Africa® and a Certified Financial Planner® and has worked in the financial planning industry for 30 years. He is the owner of the Paarl African Advisory (FSP 52180) and Paarl African Trust (Fiduciary Services Company) and is indirectly one of the largest shareholders in Trèsor Wealth - a collective Investment Fund Management Company. We speak to Hendrik over the next few pages about the ins and outs of business planning in the current environment. Hendrik Janse van Vuuren Fiduciary Practitioner of South Africa® Certified Financial Planner® BUSINESS PLANNING 101 How do you approach business planning for your clients, and what steps do you take to ensure that their long- term financial goals are met? As with any planning, information is key and we, therefore, require information from all the key individuals, directors, trustees, and the various entities of our clients. This includes identification documents, registration documents, letters, or minutes of authorities-, partnership-, trust- and existing loans and even personal agreements. Our approach is quite simple - we strive to succeed in making sure that each individual and each entity take care of their own financial requirements, assets and obligations. Every solution must provide in such a way that all parties can honour the financial obligations independently from each other in the event of death, disability, severe illnesses, and any other event in the change in ownership. This requires discipline, continuous administration, dedication and discipline from clients and the willingness to work with you to plan, implement and continuously monitor solutions. Can you discuss a time when you had to navigate a complex business issue for one of your clients, and how you approached the situation to ensure the best outcome? Business owners rely mostly on the advice of their accountants or auditors, merely because they are involved with capturing transactions Bank i ng & F i nanc i a l Se r v i ce s 24 Finance Monthly.
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