Personal Finance. Money. Investing.
Updated at 16:06

Some online sources, principally TikTok and YouTube Shorts, claim that gold can be a good asset to help us beat inflation and economic uncertainty in the long run. Here we explore the truth of this and outline what some of the options might be to get involved in owning gold or other precious metals.

We should start with the obvious point, it is not a good idea to hold an entire portfolio as gold; nor is it a good idea for those who struggle to save from their salary to consider. The reason is that liquidating gold to cash is costly and the whole idea of investing in gold is to hold it for several years, if not decades, rather than just a few years.

Let’s examine the history and the facts around gold prices. Historically gold does seem to hold its value despite inflation, however, the price of gold has been known to be highly volatile. It doesn't offer dividends or interest, and its returns depend solely on price appreciation. In short, the value of gold does seem to rise with inflation. Despite this, there is no established relationship in the short term, evidence from market data suggests that holding gold for five years would not match inflation. Holding gold for 20 years has worked historically (no guarantee that it will continue to work). Typically an extra 1% on UK inflation is matched by a 0.8% increase in the market price of gold, but in the grand scheme of things, gold has an upward price trend. In fact, it recently hit an all-time high as commercial investors are becoming increasingly drawn to it. All of a sudden going to your bank to talk about ISAs might seem more attractive than sleeping with a couple of gold bars hidden under the mattress!

Perhaps that is a bit of artistic licence – investing in physical gold requires secure storage, insurance, and higher costs due to dealers' premiums, VAT to buy (except coins) and potentially capital gains tax which can be as high as 28% in the UK when selling gold.
Alternatives to holding physical gold bullion are to consider Gold Exchange-Traded Funds which can be bought and sold like stocks. Examples include iShares Gold Trust and SPDR Gold Shares. These aim to track the price of gold but do come with management fees. The point here is that the investment is in ‘paper gold’, not physical gold, which reduces some of the costs but still attracts capital gains tax when liquidating a position.

Investing in gold can work as a way to preserve capital and protect against inflation and economic downturns. However, it's important to understand that like all investments there is an element of uncertainty involved. It is important to consider why you want to invest in gold and if other financial products, perhaps ISAs or Unit Trusts can meet those needs. Also, time horizon is a key factor, making this a difficult path for individual investors unless they need a long-term investment strategy to diversify their portfolio and secure protection against inflation.

This does not constitute direct financial advice. Mentions of companies or products do not constitute an endorsement.

With a World Economic Forum report finding that under-45s make up 70% of all retail investors, it’s clear that more people are getting in on the opportunities available for making their money work harder.

Of course just because lots more Millennials and Gen Z-ers are exploring the markets and dipping their toes into different asset classes, that doesn’t mean they’re making good financial decisions. So if you’re looking to grow your portfolio in a savvy way this year, stick around and we’ll loop you in on a few online options that could make a difference.


Investing in domain names is a bit like staking your claim to digital real estate. Every day, individuals and companies hunt for that perfect web address—and yours could be exactly what they're looking for.

With over 431 million domains registered annually, and a market worth over $2.65 billion, it’s an intriguing niche. Moreover, understanding the intricacies of this scene can lead to profitable outcomes, especially through ventures like domain name flippingHere’s how to handle this successfully:


The allure of the stock market is long-standing, and average annual returns from the S&P 500 have been an impressive 12.39% over the past 10 years. Being able to buy stocks via online trading platforms makes this accessible to anyone, and you’ve got lots of options - from small startups that might explode in value overnight to established giants that continue to offer stable returns. Here's how you can apply sharp strategies to navigate this vibrant market effectively:


Cryptocurrencies are still the bleeding edge of investing, growing 12.5% annually and offering an exciting but turbulent arena for savvy investors to explore. Understanding how to function in this space can significantly impact your portfolio's performance. Here’s what this involves:

Final Thoughts

A mixture of stocks, crypto and domain-based investments will give your online-acquired portfolio more clout this year. Just be certain that you’ve researched each option thoroughly, and sought certified advice from a professional, before committing to any avenue you don’t have experience with.

Most traders endure the risks of the forex market because they have high hopes for future rewards. If you put a lot on the line, there should be some compensation for it. This is most investor’s mindset, and it is valid. Imagine you invest a capital worth $50, and you have an expectation of a marginal return of $150. Here, you have a 1:3 risk-to-reward ratio, and there will likely be a more significant motivation to pursue such an investment opportunity. The risk-reward concept is a crucial factor in the foreign exchange market. In this article, we’ll discuss all there is to know in detail about this phenomenon and how to measure it in your daily trading activity.

Understanding the Risk/Reward Ratio

Risk and reward in the foreign exchange market detail the potential returns an investor gets for every dollar they put into the market.

Many traders use this concept to weigh in on a trade's possible returns before deciding whether such an opportunity is worth the risk. They use it to determine which trades to take and which to avoid and measure the potential of one investment against the other.

Most investors see a 1:3 risk/return as an ideal ratio, considering that it gives them at least three times more than their initial investment. The acceptable ratio often varies, but anything between 1:2 and 1:3 is the ideal investor expectation or recommendation. A high ratio indicates a more favourable trade performance, but a lower one signifies the opposite.

How to Calculate the Risk/Reward Ratio of a Trade

Calculating this ratio is straightforward. All you need to do is divide the amount you’d likely profit by the amount you stand to lose — that is, divide the reward by the risk.

Consider this: you buy an asset or currency with $200 and plan to sell at $400, making your profit $200. If you’re willing to risk the entire $200, you can get your risk/return by dividing that value by the value of your yield. Dividing $200 by $200 would give you 1:1, your ratio.

Imagine the same scenario, but with a maximum risk of $100 and a potential gain of $200; the ratio would be 1:2. This translates to your willingness to risk $100 to make double the amount. Advanced trading platforms have tools to help traders make these calculations when carrying out a trade. One such platform is TradingView.

Risk and Stop Losses

Automating stop-loss orders is one of the most practical scenarios for using this ratio. When you set a stop-loss order to a certain amount, you simply say that is the highest risk you will take.

Using a stop loss helps you control the chances you’re ready to take. If you buy a stock at $60 and set a stop loss at $55, your risk is #5. If your target profit is $70, the ratio is 1:2 ($5:$10 reward).

Using a stop-loss helps you stay within this gamble and drop out of the trade before losing more than intended. The stop loss should be your holy grail of risk management as an investor. If you set a price limit and your order exceeds this, it’s best to sell and look ahead for better opportunities.

Reward/Risk Ratio vs. Win Rate

Win rate in forex refers to the percentage of your trades that result in profit. If you make 50 trades in a day and 25 of them are profitable, you have a 50% win rate.

Win rate relates to risk and reward because a strategy with a high win rate can be profitable even with a low risk-to-return ratio. If the frequency of having a profitable trade is high, it could compensate in profits relative to a lower frequency of losses.

Conversely, a low profitability frequency strategy can still be favourable if the return ratio is high. The more significant gains can offset the losses from past trades.

Why Professional Traders Use Risk/Reward Calculations

It is always essential to wait for trades with a good risk-reward ratio. These were the words of a professional trader, Alexander Elder. When you follow experienced traders and have conversations with investors online, you’ll notice how much they talk about the relevance of this concept to their trading success. This shows that any investor looking to build wealth and succeed as a trader needs to understand this concept, its practicality, and how to use it in everyday trades. If you’re a beginner, you can consider using advanced trading tools to carry out your calculations and use them in your daily trading activities.





Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential for businesses to boost online visibility and attract customers. A strong online presence is important for success and growth. Investing in SEO brings significant financial benefits and helps achieve long-term goals. This article explores seven reasons why SEO investment is smart for financial growth.

Increasing Website Traffic and Brand Awareness

With billions of searches happening every day, having a strong presence on search engines can significantly expand a company's reach and attract potential customers. In particular, SEO campaign management involves a strategic approach that focuses on optimizing website content, utilizing relevant keywords, and building quality backlinks. These tactics can help a business rank higher in search engine results pages, driving more organic traffic to their website and increasing brand awareness.

Improving Search Engine Rankings for Long-Term Success

SEO investment is a long-term strategy, not a short-term one. By consistently improving and maintaining website rankings, businesses can achieve lasting success online. Even if a company stops investing in SEO after reaching its goals, it can still benefit from its initial efforts for months or years. Continuously optimizing content and adapting to changing algorithms ensures a company stays ahead of competitors in the long run.

Targeting Specific Demographics and Customers Through SEO  

Through keyword research and analysis, businesses can identify and understand their target audience's search behavior, preferences, and needs. This allows them to create highly targeted content that speaks directly to their ideal customers, increasing the chances of conversion. SEO also allows for geo-targeting, making it easier for businesses to reach potential customers in specific locations.

person using macbook pro on black table

Credit: Myriam Jessier on Unsplash

Driving Conversions and Boosting Sales with SEO Techniques 

SEO not only brings more traffic to a website but also helps convert that traffic into paying customers. By optimizing landing pages, creating compelling calls to action, and improving the overall website user experience, businesses can improve their conversion rates and boost sales. This is especially beneficial for e-commerce businesses that rely heavily on online transactions.

Cost-Effective Marketing Strategy With High ROI Potential  

Compared to traditional marketing methods, investing in SEO can be a more cost-effective approach. With the right strategy and implementation, businesses can see a high return on investment (ROI) from their SEO efforts. This is because SEO targets users who are actively searching for products or services related to a business, making them more likely to convert into paying customers.

Staying Ahead of the Competition with Ongoing SEO Efforts. 

Investing in SEO gives a company a competitive edge by boosting online visibility and attracting more customers. Effective SEO helps businesses rank higher in search results, making it easier for potential customers to find their products or services. Continuously adapting SEO strategies to algorithm changes and market trends ensures businesses stay relevant in the evolving digital landscape. This drives organic traffic and builds brand credibility, leading to sustained growth and success.

Harnessing the Power of Local SEO for Brick-and-Mortar Businesses 

For businesses with physical locations, local SEO can be a game-changer. By optimizing for local search terms and directories, businesses can attract more foot traffic to their stores, ultimately leading to increased sales. With the rise of location-based searches on mobile devices, investing in local SEO has become crucial for brick-and-mortar businesses looking to drive growth and financial success.

Investing in SEO is a smart move for any business aiming for financial growth and long-term success. It can increase website traffic, boost conversions and sales, target specific demographics, and keep you ahead of the competition. SEO offers high ROI potential, significantly impacting a company's bottom line. Ensure your business's financial growth by investing in SEO.


In recent years, both Bitcoin and gold have become famous investment options. Gold is one of the most popular long-term investments that has stood the test of time for centuries, being considered a symbol of security and wealth. On the other hand, Bitcoin, the 21st century asset, is a digital currency that gathered the attention of people from all over the world, sparking both skepticism and intrigue.

In the universe of investment, there has appeared a debate on whether it is good to keep investing in traditional assets or adopt emerging digital alternatives. However, this dilemma depends on many factors, so to help you make a good decision, we have prepared a comprehensive comparison of the advantages and drawbacks of both options.

Historical context


Gold is an asset cherished and loved since ancient civilizations. From the Roman Empire to the Egyptian pharaohs, gold has been a cornerstone of power, wealth and trade. Because gold has an intrinsic value, it has become a medium of exchange. For instance, in the 19th century, it represented the backbone of the global monetary system, and numerous countries around the world have adopted the gold standard.

Fiat money has risen and fallen over the years, but gold maintained its title of a reliable store of value and still represents a haven in those times of economic uncertainties.


Bitcoin appeared in 2008 when an anonymous person or group of people, known under the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto, published a whitepaper that contained the information needed to understand the concept of a decentralized digital currency. Bitcoin relies on a technology called blockchain and operates without a central authority, like the government or a central bank, which happens with traditional currencies.

At first, Bitcoin didn’t have a big value because it was perceived as quite an obscure digital token. However, things changed over the years, as the cryptocurrency had some excellent attributes, like its decentralized nature and the possibility to offer financial freedom. Because of these characteristics, it gathered the attention of people. In 2010, Bitcoin wasn’t just considered a niche but a globally recognized asset that drew both criticism and attention.

Comparison of the two assets


Price volatility


Price comparison between the two assets

Gold is a tangible asset that has a worldwide value recognition and has had a steady price over time, with just a few occasional spikes during geopolitical or economic tensions. Its price can be influenced by factors such as central bank policies, inflation rates and global financial wealth.

Since Bitcoin was introduced, it has experienced quite a quiet inception. Over the years, its price went through many ups and downs, driven by media attention, growing investor interest, and its adoption as an alternative investment.

While gold’s price has been less volatile and more gradual, Bitcoin’s price has gone through some dramatic fluctuations, having periods of rapid appreciation as well as sharp correction. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, gold experienced a measured increase, but the change in Bitcoin’s price was meteoric, and in that period, it reached its all-time highs, thus solidifying its name of “digital gold”.

An investment perspective

Risk and reward



The bottom line

Gold and Bitcoin can be correlated with old and new, each having its own set of advantages and drawbacks. The choice between the two of them depends on risk appetite, individual preferences and investment goals.


Imagine how much more enjoyable your life would be if you could retire early. You could spend your time focusing on what matters most to you, such as supporting your family or pursuing a hobby. Investing in gold is one of the best ways to establish a passive income stream and bring this vision to life.

Not everyone understands how to get started in the global gold market, though. We've created a brief guide with the key information you need to know before moving forward. Let's explore what you should keep in mind.

What Is the Global Gold Market?

As the name implies, the global gold market allows you to buy and sell gold internationally instead of only domestically. The three major trading hubs are the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE), the London OTC market, and the US futures market.

These account for the majority of global trading volumes, making them a great way to get started with international gold trading. They're essentially the crux of gold and forex trading. Let's explore these central trading gold platforms in detail below.

Shanghai Gold Exchange

This exchange was established in 2022 with close oversight from the People's Bank of China. It's seen a rapid rise since then and has become a major player in the international gold market.

The exchange introduced the Shanghai Gold Price benchmark in 2016, allowing it to establish China's role as a price-setter. This also gave the country's domestic market a significant boost in performance.

The exchange's spot and deferred contracts are complemented by futures trading on the Shanghai Futures Market. However, there is no direct link between the two exchanges.

London OTC Market

Historically, the London OTC market has been the centre of the gold trade. It attracts participants and investors from across the world. London has a unique vaulting infrastructure that facilitates its strict chain of custody enforcement.

It also houses substantial stocks of gold. These attributes have caused it to be referred to as the "terminal market."

London's time zone bridges those of the US and Asia, as well. As time passes, the exchange is constantly looking for new ways to facilitate and streamline gold trading.

US Futures Market

This exchange plays a significant role in price discovery despite London being the world's leading market. Trading activity on this exchange is focused on "active month contracts. These are the nearest dated contractsand they act as proxies for the exchange's spot price.

Only a handful of contacts settle into gold bar delivery, but the exchange is closely linked to physical markets. It's worth noting that increasing share volume is transacted during Asian market hours. This reflects a successful diffusion into the Asian market.

Benefits of Investing in Gold

There's no shortage of investing in gold, and understanding them will help you make the best decision for your needs. From here, you should have no trouble taking your investment to the next level. Listed below are some of the most notable.


Gold is an amazing addition to any portfolio since it helps diversify your investments. For instance, imagine you invested most of your money in a handful of stocks.

If the market didn't perform as anticipated, you could lose your contribution. A lack of diversification is one of the most significant reasons why people lose money and their investments.

It's recommended to invest in different types of gold so you aren't limited to a single income stream. Keep this in mind when moving forward so you can make better investment decisions.


Gold is renowned for its high liquidity compared to other investments. This makes it easy to convert them into cash if necessary. It can be frustrating to have an investment that's difficult to get money out of.

Gold's liquidity stems from it being in high demand. It's better than other precious metals like silver and platinum, as well.

High Demand

Since gold's demand is so substantial, you won't have to worry about prices falling. Long-term, gold will always increase in value due to its scarcity.

It's not unlikely that gold value will increase exponentially over the next decade due to its diminishing availability. This means that now is a better time than ever to consider this commodity.

Protection Against Inflation

Gold's protection against inflation is one of its most notable attributes. Inflation rates can be unpredictable, as we've witnessed during the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

It's worth noting that gold's value tends to rise during times of economic uncertainty, giving you an extra sense of stability when you need it most. This can keep you from being an emotional investor and panicking when your investments lower.

Easy to Sell

When it's time to sell your gold, you won't have an issue doing so due to the demand. There's nothing worse than needing to cash out your investments and being unable to. Not only can this be inconvenient, it could lead to financial distress.

For example, you might need to withdraw your gold investment to put a down payment toward a home. You might miss out on the opportunity to do so in a scenario like this.

How easy it is to sell your gold will depend on the type of gold you're investing. It will also be influenced by the platform you use. In most cases, though, it should be a smooth process.

Investment Tips

To succeed in the gold market, there are certain tips you'll need to keep in mind. Understanding these will help you avoid issues you may have otherwise encountered. Let's take a closer look.

Understand Gold Technical Analysis

All gold traders should educate themselves on this topic. It provides insight into gold's projected performance shortly. You'll also learn about the live gold price today.

This will help you better understand how your investment is performing. Keep in mind that all investments will ebb and flow. Don't be alarmed or discouraged if your performance dips, as it will likely quickly return to where it was.

Contribute Regularly

Your investment will grow much faster if you contribute to it regularly. Do your best to invest a decent amount of money each month in gold. Some people treat gold like a retirement fund and contribute large percentages of their monthly income.

Regardless of how much you invest, only contribute money you don't need for necessities. A situation you want to avoid at all costs is being unable to pay rent, buy groceries, etc. since you've invested all your income in gold.

Understand Risk

No investment comes without risk, and you must understand the risks present regarding gold investing. The good news is that the risk associated with this form of investing is minimal compared to other investments.

This is especially true regarding cryptocurrency. As long as you understand the risks associated with your investment, you can take steps to minimize them.

One of the most important tips to keep in mind is only investing what you're willing to lose. As previously mentioned, gold is a stable investment that's liable to increase in value over time. However, there's always a chance you won't end up with the numbers you anticipated.

Be Patient

Your investment will grow over timebut it may not grow as fast as you anticipated. It's essential to be patient after investing in gold, as it will take a while for you to reach your target metrics.

To help you stay grounded, do your best to avoid frequently checking the value of your investment. There's nothing you can do to make it grow faster than it already is. When you check it monthly or quarterly, you'll be much more satisfied with your results.

Understand What You're Investing in

Some people blindly invest in gold without realizing where their money is going. There are many different ways to invest in this commodity, such as bullion, gold ETFs, or mutual funds.

Each form of gold investment has different potential, and it's essential to research them before allocating your money. Otherwise, you might have issues getting the outcome you anticipate.

Have a Plan to Cash Out

When it's time to get your money, you should have a plan to cash out. Educate yourself on relevant restrictions so you don't encounter unnecessary difficulties.

For example, there might be rules the platform you use might impose certain rules that can impact how soon you see your money. There may also be delays depending on certain factors, such as the amount of gold you need to sell.

Set Realistic Goals

The best way to avoid disappointment is by keeping your goals realistic. Setting a concrete number you'd like to reach will also help you determine how much to invest each month.

Consider a scenario where you want to grow your gold investment to $50,000 within five years. You initially start with $5,000. From here, you can figure out how much you need to invest monthly based on the current value of your portfolio.

Work with a Professional

Working with the right professional plays a large role in achieving your goals. However, not all are created equal. You'll need to do your due diligence before making your decision.

Research their past reputation and see what other people have to say about their experiences. Did they have an easy time getting in touch with them?

Were they satisfied overall? The answers to questions like these will help ensure you make the right choice.

Pay attention to how they respond to criticism, as well. If they get defensive or aggressive, it's best to continue your search elsewhere.

Otherwise, you could encounter similar behaviour if you have a problem with them in the future. Pay attention to fake reviews, as well.

These are often posted in large batches and contain many of the same keywords. Ignore them when making your assessment so you can have an accurate perspective. It's essential to check their pricing structure, as well.

The last thing you want is to pay more than you anticipated. If they impose miscellaneous fees, look for other options. Do they have examples of their past performance?

Reputable financial advisors will proudly showcase their work to illustrate what they're capable of. If you aren't comfortable with them, it's recommended to look for other opportunities.

Always trust your intuition when shopping around. With enough due diligence, you shouldn't have an issue finding the right choice for your needs.

Use the Right Platform

The platform you use to invest will heavily impact your results. For example, disreputable platforms likely aren't intuitive and can make it difficult to make the choices you need. These also tend to neglect their security obligations, potentially putting your data at risk.

The cybercrime industry is projected to cost the world over $10 trillion annually by the end of 2025. A large portion of this value will come from data breaches that occur in the finance industry, especially investors. Great ways to recognize shady platforms are by investigating the website.

If it's filled with grammar errors, links to strange resources, or low-quality images, you should avoid using it. It's also important to pay attention to warnings from your web browser. For example, the browser to use could notify you that the platform's security certificate is invalid or expired.

Under no circumstances should you use platforms like these, as they could put your data in jeopardy. It only takes seconds for catastrophe to arise, such as if someone's able to steal your identity.

Some platforms also impose unnecessary fees. These can quickly add up if left unchecked. It's never recommended to use a platform that charges you for things like maintaining your account or making trades.

Don't Neglect Global Gold Investing

The information in this guide will help ensure you make the best decisions for your situation. From here, you should have no trouble tapping into the global gold market and taking your performance to the next level. Just be sure to invest responsibly.

Looking for other finance articles that can help you out in the future? Our blog has plenty like this one you can learn from. Be sure to check them out today!

In a complex and ever-shifting financial landscape, it can be difficult to know with any degree of certainty what to do with one’s money. Strategy is key for maximising gains on your savings or investments, necessitating a great deal of research in order to chart the right path for you.rea

Against a backdrop of high inflation and slow growth elsewhere, it is more important than ever that your money works hard for you. As such, you should be looking for key ways to make inflation-beating gains on your hard-earned cash. What, though, are the best ways in which to invest your money at present?

Luxury Property

Property of any kind is a shrewd investment and always has been – even in relatively difficult times for the housing market. This is because property is an extremely valuable asset and one which will always enjoy a high level of demand; few of us want not for comfortable shelter, after all! 

Luxury properties are especially good stores of value and an even better way to grow the size of your estate. Shrewd financial planning through high net worth mortgage brokers can allow you to leverage debt to expand your portfolio, and ultimately profit from an ever-growing market. 


The tech industry is still booming, even after the meteoric rise of Silicon Valley at the end of the 20th century; new developments and innovations continue to fuel significant micro-booms within a now-essential industry for the average consumer or business. 

The latest example of tech breeding investment potential is in AI, where breakout start-ups like OpenAI are disrupting the industry with epochal inventions. It may be too late to maximise gains from investing in the likes of OpenAI, but keeping an eye on the future of tech could allow you to get in on the next big thing on the ground floor.

Sustainable Investments

Regarding investing in businesses, there is another epochal shift happening which could positively influence your portfolio if you play your cards right: climate change. The onset of ecological disaster is a terrifying prospect, but one which has bred incomparable innovation in green spaces. Businesses and start-ups focused on the big challenges of our time – clean energy, recyclable materials, Earth clean-up exercises – are likely to see huge increases in demand, and their respective company values soar as a result.

Alternative Assets

‘Alternative assets’ is almost another way of saying ‘…and the rest!’ when it comes to investment practices. However, the miscellaneous assets that make up an expensive lifestyle can themselves be highly valuable additions to your portfolio. Art is one excellent example, where short-term gambles on promising artists can lead to long-term profits as their stature grows; similar things can be said of investment whiskies. Finally, valuables like watches and jewellery can be stable stores of value.

The survey

The British Social Survey has been running since 1983 to track the satisfaction of the British public for the health service.

In 2023 only 24% reported satisfaction with the NHS due to waiting times and staff shortages being the biggest concerns.

This is a record low since the poll began and has recently dropped 29% points from 2020 .

Government funding for the NHS

Health care Funding reports that 86% of government funding goes towards the NHS for day-to-day costs including  medicines and paying staff.

In 2023/24 the spending amounted to £163bn in cash terms which is expected to increased to £192bn for the year 2024/25.

Many people have called for a shift in focus for spending claiming that the government needs to re-evaluate where the money goes in order to improve the NHS.

The Complaints

Waiting lists are at a high with people waiting months if not years before they receive treatment. GPs making referrals are often delayed as there is no capacity within the required outpatient department.

Waiting times in the hospitals are also creating anger with the public this is partly due to the poor patient flow where patients are not being transferred quickly as the social care lacks the capacity. Patients remaining in hospital means people cannot be seen until the space becomes available.

Staff shortages lead to a wide array of problems that are noticed by the public leading to longer wait times and unsatisfactory care for patients who require that extra supervision.

Can it be fixed?

The government has often relied on the role of the private sector to take on patients to reduce waiting lists and reduce the pressure on hospitals.

However a survey from BMA discovered that with this plan 60% of private practice doctors were then unable to provide care to their patients at the time.

The BMA also states the need for more encouragement in the medical fields for people to pursue careers within it. More options need to be presented including flexible working as often those who enter have to leave due to inflexible options.

Taxes for an improved NHS?

Is having a specific tax which covers only the costs of the NHS a beneficial way for the NHS to improve?

The survey showed that 48% of people would support an increase in taxes to allow for increased spending on the NHS.

42% of people would prefer to maintain the level of taxes and NHS spending.

Only 6% would want reduced taxes to spend less.

Would you be willing to pay a tax to improve the NHS?

Personal Finance Impact of a Labour Government.

It’s highly likely to be election year this year and if the polls are accurate then Labour are in the driving seat to form its first government for 14 years with Sir Keri Starmer as prime minister, which could mean some significant changes for your investments and pensions.

The latest YouGov/Times voting intention poll placed |Labour on 44%, with the Conservatives  lagging behind by some distance with just 19% of those asked saying they would vote for them.

This is the same share of the poll they received following the aftermath of Liz Truss’ disastrous mini-budget two years ago.

Labour’s simplifying ISAs plan

Earlier this year Labour released a report Financing Growth: Labour’s plan for financial services, which outlined its plans for how your personal finances would be handled if it won power.

The savings landscape is to be reviewed, and a major part of the plan to reinvigorate the capital markets is to simplify ISAs to make it easier for people to feel the benefits of saving.

This is to be done through the increased utilisation of stocks and shares ISAs.

Although the report does not offer any more details of how this would happen.

It’s a direction that would welcomed by some major players in the financial services market such as AJ Bell, who have long advocated ISA simplification moving away from the multiple products of today’s system to a single ISA vehicle.


Pensions to be reviewed

Labour welcomed auto-enrolment for pensions that was introduced by the coalition government in 2012, and it will re-evaluate the whole pension model to review whether the current framework delivers sustainable retirement incomes.

A future Labour government would work with industry and consumer groups to ensure that savers are getting the best returns.

Also to identify and tackle the barriers to pension schemes investing more into UK productive assets, for example cultural and regulation-induced risk aversion.

All types of pensions will be assessed, including the employer-sponsored defined benefit schemes, where the amount is based on how many years you have been a member of your employer’s scheme, which is more typical in the public sector.

For Local Government Pensions Schemes, Labour will look to gauge the different models for asset pooling in pensions.

This includes in-house fund management at the pool level, with the aim to deliver higher returns for savers and to increase investment into more productive assets.

Also personally subsidised defined contribution schemes are to be reviewed, where Labour will hand The Pensions Regulator (TPR) new powers for consolidation if schemes fall short of offering sufficient value to its members.

The TPR will also be asked to provide guidance on fund and strategy suitability over your pension pots, and the minimum thresholds for scheme performance will be kept under review by a Labour government.

Labour also plan to bring in an opt -in scheme for your defined contribution pensions, where a proportion of its assets can be directed into UK growth assets that can be split to areas such as venture capital, small cap stocks and infrastructure investment.

A committee would be set up comprising of private investors who will draw up a list of venture and small cap funds that are supported by British Patent Capital, which is the largest domestic investor in British venture growth opportunities.

The next stage is that institutional investors will be asked to allocate a small proportion of their funds and your money to the opt-in  scheme.

 Consumer protection to be strengthened

Labour will empower payment service providers to delay any payments that they believe to be suspicious, this would support the work in this area which is already being carried out by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Payment Systems Regulator.

The buy now pay later market (BNPL) is growing doe to the cost of living crises, and Labour aim to increase regulation over BNPL, something which providers have been calling out for.

The report said that Labour has laid out a plan for regulation to shield unprotected consumers, having spoken to influencers in the sector which it said has received broad support, but the details of the plan were not revealed.

The advice gap also needs to be closed and Labour said that it supports the ongoing work in this area of the FCA, such as addressing the advice gap through the Advice Guidance Boundary Review.

A Labour administration will closely monitor the progress in closing the gap, as its  report said that only 8% of UK adults have received expert financial advice.







Some people are just better with money. Now, when you say that someone is good with money, what most people imagine is some sort of a financial wizard. In reality, it just means that this person knows a thing or two about financial instruments that the majority of people are using daily. To show you exactly what we mean, here are four things you can learn to become “better with money” yourself. 

1. How does credit score work?

Your credit score will determine the terms of your loan. It may determine how much money you’re approved of, what your APR is, and how long you have to repay it. The problem is that the majority of people don’t think about their credit score until they need a loan. Then, they find themselves in a peculiar situation where they ruin their credit score unintentionally. 

They usually don’t have collateral to obtain a secured loan, which means that they’re in an awkward position where they have to go with P2P platforms or payday loans, both of which have pretty bad APR.

To avoid this, try to learn how credit score works and start improving it before you ever need it.

There are five parameters, not all of which are intuitive.

Now that you understand your credit score, you can start working to improve it, already. 

2. Why you’re never too poor to invest?

Sure, some of you might believe yourselves to be too poor to even pay attention; however, this is never the case. One of the biggest obstacles in the world of investing is the mental blockade about whether you have enough money to start investing. 

It goes something like this - imagine wanting to create a passive stream of revenue. The first thing that pops to mind is buying a rental apartment. Still, you don’t have enough money to buy an entire apartment, which makes you quit on the whole plan. We’re not just talking about the idea of buying a rental property but the idea of getting passive income altogether. 

The same goes for putting money into your retirement fund. It’s better to put in just $100 monthly during your 20s than not putting in anything at all, believing that you have time or that this $100 won’t make a difference.

Another mental barrier is the idea that you’re investing too little to make any real difference. This is just outright not true. Sure, you won’t get rich off major company shares, but there are different assets out there. For instance, you can easily find crypto presales with 10x potential, which means that you can return your investment tenfold. 

The key thing is that you start investing and develop a habit of investing. The sooner you start, the better, and you need to keep in mind that everything makes a difference. Stop making excuses.

3. Figuring out how your credit card works

The majority of credit card users fall under one of two categories:

The worst part of belonging to either of these groups is the fact that you’re not using your credit card to its full potential. Depending on how you use it, a credit card can be an asset or a liability. You’re the one who’ll decide which direction your credit card use will take.

To get the most out of your credit card, you need to learn a few tricks. For instance, if you travel a lot, you might want to pick a card with a lot of travel rewards. On the other hand, someone who doesn’t travel that much could pick a card that offers cashback on various subscriptions.

The majority of these credit card companies are trying hard to attract and retain their users, which is why they often sweeten the pot with an extra benefit. However, these benefits vary. The key thing lies in learning how to master the reward points game. If you can manage that, there’s so much financial value to gain.

The key thing to remember is that a credit card is a financial instrument. If you can’t use it right, this doesn’t mean that the instrument itself is faulty. 

4. Automating and gamifying your savings

For a lot of people, the question of mental fortitude is quite serious. Namely, you need to understand that transcending your programming and seeing short-term sacrifices as necessary doesn’t come as easy for everyone. 

The problem is that these steps are sometimes so small that you’ll often feel like you’re standing in place or barely moving at all. So, what harm is there in taking some much-needed break? Just think about it: if the amount of money you can save this month is so minuscule, do you need to do it this month? Can’t you just postpone it until the next month and save double then? We all know it’s not how this works.

The problem is that you’ll feel this kind of temptation all the time, which is why you need a way around it.

There are two solutions to this problem:

 Gamify your savings: The first thing you could try to do is gamify all your savings. This means turning it into a game. A swear jar is the perfect example of this. You set aside some money every time someone swears. Another smart idea is to start a 52-week saving plan, where you set aside some money every week. With each subsequent week, you add n+1 amount of money into the jar.

Automate your savings: It’s even easier to gamify your savings. Just automate your platform to set aside a specific amount every X day of the month (when you know you’ll have the money). This way, you take away some of your agency to avoid scenarios in which you need to show restraint.

Both methods are easy and dependable. 

Boosting your financial prowess has never been easier

By learning just these four things, you can easily improve your finances. The truth is that while boosting financial literacy takes a lifetime, these few tips can make a difference when you just apply the fundamentals. For instance, automate savings and repayments (to boost credit score), start investing every month, and learn what your credit card is good for. This will already make a world of difference. 

House prices are falling and many believe they will continue on this path through 2024.

This sounds like good news, however for those selling their properties, this means they are having to reduce their asking price. Also, with high and rising mortgage rates, many people still can’t afford to buy.

Predictions for the Property market 2024

Despite house prices falling they are still far above the rates of pre-pandemic house prices due to inflation and high mortgage rates. People can no longer afford to borrow the money necessary to buy a house meaning fewer houses are being bought. Even if people have saved for a deposit paying back the mortgage loan creates a heavy financial burden.

The Bank of England has held the base rate at 5.25% and as a result the average mortgage rates have shot up.

Why have House Prices fallen?

With mortgage rates rising, less people are able to afford to take out the loan, pay the deposit and it is harder to prove you can afford the high rates.

This means buyer demand has decreased across the property market forcing those selling property to keep the prices low.

Where have prices fallen the most?

Zoopla has found that areas in Essex, Kent, Norfolk and Suffolk have seen the greatest price decreases.

Colchester in Essex has seen a 3.7% decrease with the average house price at £303,500.

Even in popular cities house prices are slowly falling such as, Manchester, Liverpool and Edinburgh.

Rightmove found that houses in Greater Manchester have an overall average price of £253,806 with most sales being for semi-detached houses with a 1% fall in average prices in this area.

Property Investors hunting for deals

The Financial times reports that commercial property investors are on the prowl for cheap deals as rising interest rates force many to sell their property in an inability to refinance. Many are having to sell this year and are forced to keep the asking prices low to match the demand, this means investors could very well find a great deal this year.

When Mortgage rates begin to decline, the hope is that more buyers will flock to the property market as more people will be able to afford the loans.

Should you buy now?

Buying a house when the prices are falling would give you a great chance for a better return in a  few years when the house prices rise once again meaning you could make a bigger profit when you sell.

In areas listed above, the house prices are falling significantly allowing you to find a great deal on your home in these locations.

As well as areas with falling prices, Move IQ has comprised a list of areas where house prices are the cheapest including Bradford (BD1) being the lowest with an average house selling for £69,939 in 2023.

If you can match the costs of mortgage rates and afford the deposit then this year could be yours to take the first step onto the property ladder at a lower cost.

They are often used by property developers, investors, and home movers who need to act quickly or face a gap in their cash flow.

Bridging loans are not meant to be a long-term solution, but rather a temporary bridge to cover a specific need. They usually have higher interest rates and fees than other types of loans, and they require a clear exit strategy to repay them.

In this article, we will explain what bridging loans are, how they work, what they are used for, and what you need to consider before taking one out.

Why are Bridging Loans Popular with Property Developers, Landlords and Investors?

 Bridging loans are favoured by property developers, landlords and investors as they are fast, flexible, have many uses and can be arranged in a matter of days as opposed to a traditional mortgage or property development finance which is more complex, has a higher minimum loan and can take longer to arrange.

Bridging loans are commonly used for projects requiring borrowing from £50,000 to around £2,000,000.

The primary focus of Bridging Lenders is on the value of the property being purchased and the viability of your exit route rather than your credit history. This means that having a poor credit history or income that is difficult to prove won’t necessarily mean an automatic decline of your application.

Borrowing can be up to 75% of the value of the property or the purchase price, whichever is lower, this can be increased to 85% if you are planning to refurbish the property.

However, in certain circumstances Below market value bridging loans are available which allow borrowing up to 100% of the purchase price if the purchase price is below the actual open market value of the property or if you are offering an additional property as security.

What is a bridging loan?

A bridging loan is a loan that is secured against an asset, usually a property, that you own or are buying. The loan gives you access to a large amount of money for a short period, typically between 3 and 24 months.

The loan is designed to be repaid as soon as you receive the funds from another source, such as selling your existing property, getting a mortgage, or completing a project. The loan is then ‘bridged’ or closed, and the lender releases the charge over your asset.

What are bridging loans used for?

Bridging loans are typically used for property-related purposes, such as:

Bridging loans can also be used for other reasons, such as:

What do you need to consider before taking out a bridging loan?

Bridging loans can be a useful and convenient way of accessing funds quickly, but they also come with some drawbacks and challenges. Here are some of the things you need to consider before taking out a bridging loan:

How to Apply for a Bridging Loan?

Most bridging lenders generally require applicants to submit their applications through an experienced commercial finance broker, with over 30 years of experience, being based in Scotland and covering the whole of the UK we are ideally positioned to guide you through the application process.


Bridging loans are a type of short-term secured loan that can help you buy a property, develop a property or complete a project while you wait for other funds to become available. They are often used by property developers, investors, and home movers who need to act quickly or face a gap in their cash flow.

Bridging loans can be a useful and convenient way of accessing funds quickly.


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