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Updated at 19:39
Market Outlook

Mihir Kapadia, CEO and Founder of Sun Global Investments

When it comes to investment trends, every year appears to have a certain theme which dominates the markets and beyond throughout the course of those twelve months. 2017 was largely a stock market year, with global markets closing at record highs thanks to a booming global growth rate, loose tax and monetary policy, low volatility and ideal currency scenarios (for example, a weaker pound supporting inward investments). It was also a crazy year in the consumer segment with market momentum captivated with crypto assets, leading to established financial services firms to create special cryptocurrency desks to monitor and advise.  Today, things are looking very differently.

Markets have since moved from optimism (led by stock markets) to a cautious tone (with an eye out for safe haven assets). This is largely due to the concerns over slowing global growth rates (especially from powerhouse economies like Germany and China), volatile oil markets and Kratom Powder For Sale induces significant market threats with the likes of Brexit and the trade wars. The rising dollar has also not helped much, with Emerging Market and oil importing economies suffering with current account deficits.

At the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos last month, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned of the slowdown, blaming the developed world for much of the downgrade and Germany and Italy in particular. While the IMF does not foresee a recession, the risk of a sharper decline in global growth is certainly on the rise.  However, this risk sentiment doesn’t factor in any of the global triggers – a no-deal Brexit leading to UK crashing out of the EU or a greater slowdown in China’s economic output.

While the IMF does not foresee a recession, the risk of a sharper decline in global growth is certainly on the rise.

Volatility expected

 We have lowered earnings expectations globally due to more subdued revenue and margin assumptions. We believe investors will be confronted by increased volatility amid slower global economic growth, trade tensions and changing Federal Reserve policy. Our base case relies on the view that the US may enter a recession in 2020. As the market dropped 9% in December, the worst market return in any 4th Quarter post World War II, many risks are starting to be discounted by the market. We have reduced industrials, basic materials and financials due to heightened risks.

There are a number of factors that are driving this view, but it is important to note that upsides to the risks do exist:

In uncertain markets like these, we should look to do three things: reduce risk, focus on high quality and stay alert for opportunities due to dislocations.

So what do you do?

We have dialled down risk in 2018 and will likely continue to do so in 2019 as we expect global growth to slow. However, the expected volatility could cause dislocations that are not fundamentally driven, resulting in tactical opportunities to consider.

The best piece of advice to be relayed is: “Don’t run for the hills”. In uncertain markets like these, we should look to do three things: reduce risk, focus on high quality and stay alert for opportunities due to dislocations.

It would be ideal to shift allocations from cyclical to secular exposures, especially away from industrials, basic materials, semiconductors and financials due to heightened risks. It would also be ideal to focus on high-quality companies with secular growth opportunities that can generate dividends as well as capital appreciation.

Two sectors stand out as both strategically and tactically attractive - aging demographics and rapidly improving technology are paving the way for robust growth potential in healthcare. Accelerating growth in data, and the need to transmit, protect, and analyse it ever more quickly, make certain areas in technology an attractive secular opportunity as well. Where possible, our advice to investors is to maintain a tactical portion of their risk assets, because volatility may give them the opportunity to find mispriced sectors, themes and individual securities.

Still, in this climate, the bottom line is that you should be increasingly mindful of risk in your portfolio so that you can reach your long-term investment goals. 

Eastern Economies vs. Western Economies: Countries, Sectors and Projects to Watch

Dr. Johnny Hon, Founder & Chairman, The Global Group

The global economic narrative in 2018 was characterised by growing tensions between the US and China, the world’s two largest economies. The US imposed 10% to 25% tariffs on Chinese goods, equivalent to more than $250bn, and China responded in kind.

This had a seismic effect on global economic growth which, according to the IMF, is expected to fall to 3.5% this year. It represents a decline from both the 3.7% rate in 2018 and the initial 3.7% rate forecast for 2019 back in October.

Although relationships between Eastern and Western economies are currently strained, suggestions that a global recession is on the horizon are exaggerated. China’s economy still experienced high growth in 2018.

However, it is clear that trade wars have no winners. The rise of protectionism in the West is creating more insular economies and we are at a time when increased efforts are needed for mutual understanding. There are still enormous opportunities across the globe: India is among several global economies showing sustained high growth, and innovations in emerging markets such as clean energy or payments systems continue to gather pace. Investors who are savvy and businesses with true entrepreneurial flare can triumph at a time when others may be stagnating.

The rise of protectionism in the West is creating more insular economies and we are at a time when increased efforts are needed for mutual understanding.

Here are the exciting countries, sectors and projects to look out for in 2019:


Recent trends in foreign direct investment (FDI) reveal a growing trend to support developing economies. In the first half of 2018, the share of global FDI to developing countries increased to a record 66%. In fact, half of the top 10 economies to receive FDI were developing countries.

This trend will accelerate in 2019 - the slow economic global growth, and subsequent currency depreciation means the potential yield on emerging market bonds is set to rise dramatically this year. More and more investors are realising the great potential of these developing economies, where the risk versus reward now looks much more attractive than it did in recent years. Asia in particular has benefited from a 2% rise in global FDI, making it the largest recipient region of FDI in the world.

India and China are both huge markets with a combined population of over 2.7 billion, and both feature in the world’s top 20 fastest growing economies. However, the sheer quantity of people doesn’t necessarily mean the countries are an easy target for investment. There are plenty of opportunities in both India and China, but it takes a shrewd investor with a good local business partner to beat the competition and find the right venture.

Other Asian economies to invest in can be found in Southeast Asia, including Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia and Cambodia. In a recent survey by PwC, CEOs surveyed across the Asia-Pacific region and Greater China named Vietnam as the country most likely to produce the best investment returns – above China.

Investors who are savvy and businesses with true entrepreneurial flare can triumph at a time when others may be stagnating.


One sector in particular which remained resilient to the trade wars throughout 2018 was technology. By mid-July, flows into tech funds had already exceeded $20bn, dwarfing the previous record amount of $18.3bn raised in 2017. This was a result of the increased accessibility and popularity of technologies in business.

In the area of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for example, a Deloitte survey of US executives found that 58% had implemented six or more strains of the technology—up from 32% in 2017. This trend is likely to continue in 2019, as more businesses realise AI’s potential to reduce costs, increase business agility and support innovation.

Another sector which saw significant investment last year was pharmaceuticals and BioTech. By October, these had already reached a record high of $14 billion of VC investment in the US alone. One particular area to watch carefully, is the rising demand for products containing Cannabidiol (CBD), a natural chemical component of cannabis and hemp. Considering CBD didn't exist as a product category five years ago, its growth is remarkable. The market is expected to reach $1.91 billion by 2022 as its uses extend across a wide variety of products including oils, lotions, soaps, and beauty goods.


At a time of rising trade tensions and increased uncertainty, cross-border initiatives are helping to restore and maintain partnerships and reassure global economies. China's Belt and Road Initiative is a great example of how international communities can be brought closer together. From Southeast Asia to Eastern Europe and Africa, the multi-billion dollar network of overland corridors and maritime shipping lanes will include 71 countries once completed, accounting for half the world’s population and a quarter of the world's GDP. It is widely considered to be one of the greatest investment opportunities in decades.

The Polar Silk Road is another international trade initiative currently being explored. The Arctic offers the possibility of a strategic commercial route between Northeast Asia and Northern Europe. This would allow a vast amount of goods to flow between East and West more speedily and more efficiently than ever before. This new route would increase trading options and would make considerable improvements on journey times – cutting 12 days off traditional routes via the Indian Ocean and Suez Canal. It could also save 300 tonnes of fuel, reducing retail costs for both continents.

Since founding The Global Group - a venture capital, angel investment and strategic consultancy firm - over two decades ago, I have seen the global economic landscape change immeasurably. The company is built around the motto ‘bridging the frontiers’, and now more than ever, I believe in the importance of strong cross-border relationships. Rather than continuing to promote notions of protectionism, we must instead explore new ways of achieving mutual benefit and foster a spirit of collaboration.

Brexit, Trade Wars and the Global Economy

Robert Vaudry, Chief Investment Officer at Wesleyan

If there’s one thing that financial markets do not like, it is uncertainty - which is something that we’ve faced in abundance over the last couple of years.

The UK’s decision to leave the European Union and President Trump’s 2016 election in the US, sent shockwaves through markets, and the two years that followed saw increased volatility across asset classes. This year looks set to be fairly unpredictable too, but in my view there are likely to be three main stabilising factors. Firstly, I expect that the UK will secure some form of a Brexit deal with the EU – whatever that may look like – which will give a confidence boost to investors looking to the UK. Secondly, the trade war between America and China should also come to an end with a mutually acceptable agreement that further removes widespread market uncertainty. Thirdly, the ambiguity surrounding the US interest rate policy will abate.

The Brexit bounce

A big question mark remains over whether or not the UK is able to agree a deal with the EU ahead of the 29th March exit deadline. However, with most MPs advocating some sort of deal, it’s highly unlikely that the UK will leave without a formal agreement in place. So, what does this mean? Well, at the moment, it looks more likely than ever that the 29th March deadline will need to be extended, unless some quick cross-party progress is made in Parliament on amendments to Theresa May’s proposed deal. While an extension would require the agreement of all EU member states, this isn’t impossible, especially given that a deal is in the EU’s best interests as the country’s closest trading partner.

The ambiguity surrounding the US interest rate policy will abate.

The result of any form of deal will be a widespread relief that should be immediately visible in the global markets. It will bring greater certainty to investors, even if the specific details of a future trading relationship between the UK and EU still need to be resolved. Recently, it was estimated that Brexit uncertainty has so far resulted in up to $1trn of assets being shifted out of the UK, and I personally don’t see this as an exaggeration. Financial markets have been cautiously factoring Brexit in since the referendum vote in 2016 and, if we can begin to see a light at the end of the Brexit tunnel, it is likely that some of these vast outflows will be reinvested back into the UK. We can also expect to see a rise in confidence among UK-based businesses and consumers, at a time when the unemployment rate in the UK is the lowest it has been since the mid-1970s.

All of these outcomes would help lead to a more buoyant UK economy and the likelihood that UK equities could outperform other equities – and asset classes – in 2019.

Trade wars – a deal on the table?

Looking further afield, the trade tensions that were increasingly evident between the US and China last year could also be defused. The last time that China agreed to a trade deal, it was in a very different economic position – very much an emerging economy, with the developed world readily importing vast quantities of textiles, electronic and manufacturing goods. However, given China’s current position as one of the world’s largest economies, it has drawn criticism from many quarters regarding unfair restrictions placed on foreign companies and alleged transfers of intellectual property.

Either way, global financial markets are eager for Washington and Beijing to reach a mutually agreeable trade deal to help stimulate the growth rates of the world’s two largest economies.

It was estimated that Brexit uncertainty has so far resulted in up to $1trn of assets being shifted out of the UK.

Be kind to the FED

2018 saw an unprecedented spat between the US President and his Head of the Federal Reserve. What began as verbal rhetoric quickly escalated into a full-frontal assault on Jerome Powell, and the markets were unimpressed. With the added uncertainty about the impact of a Democrat-led US House of Representatives, we headed into a perfect storm, and equity markets in particular rolled over in December. Ironically, this reaction, coupled with a data showing that both the US and the global economy are generally slowing down – albeit from a relatively high level – has resulted in a downward revision of any US interest rate rises in 2019. The possibility of up to four US interest rate rises of 25bps each during 2019 is now unlikely – I expect that there will only be one or two rises of the same level.

 Transitioning away from uncertainty

So, in summary, 2019 is set to be another big year for investors.

The recent protracted period of uncertainty has hit the markets hard, but we’ll have a clearer idea of what lies ahead in the coming months, particularly regarding Brexit and hopefully on the US and China’s trade relations too. If so, this greater certainty should pay dividends for investors in the years to come. UK equities are expected to strongly bounce back in 2019, which is a view that goes against the current consensus call.

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